per coro di voci bianche
biglie, trita-prezzemolo, accordatori
Commissione di Milano Musica
dedicato a: Coro di voci bianche della Radio Ungherese e Gabriella Thész
Prima esecuzione: Milano, Festival MIlano Musica, 26.10.2008
Coro voci bianche della Radio Ungherese, dir. G. Thész
Edizioni Suvini Zerboni
Note per l’esecuzione
I. cooking of mercury
II. the tree of knowledge
III. hurdy-gurdy
IV. the unicorn
Durata: 9′
Coro di voci bianche, 4 parti: SSAA
con 4 trita-prezzemolo + biglie, 2 accordatori
Note di programma
“The four delights of Jeroen Anthoniszoon” take the cue from four characters and arguments, extracted from different Hieronymus Bosch paintings: the triptych “Garden of earthly delights”, triptych “The Last Judgment”, etc.
The Unicorn, the Tree of knowledge, and other themes quoted in the movements, return frequently in those paintings, developing a fantastic representation of reality, of ethics, alchemy, sacred and profane, typical of Bosch imagination and of some literature of his time.
I’ve shown four different images, asking the children choir to use sometimes its own peculiar voice in a unusual way (white noises, phonemes), and I’ve helped the contestualization of those images and themes with some ordinary toys and tools: glass marbles, parsley choppers, pitch instruments.
“The four delights of Jeroen Anthoniszoon”, commissioned by Milano Musica, is dedicated to the Hungarian Radio’s Children Choir and to Gabriella Thész.
giovanni verrando © 2007